Hiroyuki Motomura, Ryohei Ota, Masatoshi Meguro, Satokuni Tashiroa
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 1-12
Makoto Okamoto, Duane E. Stevenson
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 13-17
Keita Koeda, Satoru N. Chiba, Hiroyuki Motomura
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 19-22
Shinpei Ohashi, Hiromitsu Endo
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 23-27
Tomoyuki Komai
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 29-36
Nobuhiro Saito, Michitaka Shimomura
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 37-43
Two New Shallow-water Species of Agathotanais (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from Japan
Keiichi Kakui, Hisanori Kohtsuka
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 45-58
Hiroshi Itoh, Il-Hoi Kim
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 59-65
Akifumi Ohtaka, Stuart R. Gelder
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 67-71
Kazuya Nagasawa, Masato Nitta
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 73-81
Hiroshi Kajihara, Shinri Tomioka, Keiichi Kakui, Tohru Iseto
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 83-88
Masato Nitta, Kazuya Nagasawa
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 89-93
Masato Nitta, Kazuya Nagasawa
2015 Volume 20 Number 1 Pages 95-102
First Japanese Record and a Revised Diagnosis for Dictyosoma tongyeongensis (Osteichthyes: Perciformes: Stichaeidae)
Yoshiaki Kai, Shin-ichiro Ikeguchi, Jin-Koo Kim, Tetsuji Nakabo
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 107-114
First Japanese Record of the Haemulid Fish Pomadasys kaakan (Perciformes), from Kagoshima Prefecture, Southern Japan
Harutaka Hata, Masahide Itou, Hiroyuki Motomura
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 115-120
Epigonus draco, a New Species of Deepwater Cardinalfish (Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the Western Pacific
Makoto Okamoto
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 121-127
Platycephalus clavulatus Cantor, 1849 (Teleostei: Platycephalidae), a Junior Synonym of Cociella punctata (Cuvier, 1829)
Taichi Nagao, Hisashi Imamura
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 129-133
First Record of the Midwater Grenadier, Odontomacrurus murrayi (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Macrouridae), from the Northwestern Pacific off Japan
Naohide Nakayama, Hiromitsu Endo, Kazuhisa Uchikawa
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 135-139
A New Species of Thyone (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Phyllophoridae) from Wakayama, Japan
Yusuke Yamana, Atsushi Hirai, Kentarou Hirashima
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 141-151
The First Record of a Species of Clausiidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from Japanese Waters, with the Proposal of a New Genus
Daisuke Uyeno, Keiichi Kakui
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 153-158
A New Species of the Enigmatic Copepod Genus Lernaeascus (Cyclopoida: Philichthyidae), Parasitic on Angelfishes (Actinopterygii: Pomacanthidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Daisuke Uyeno, Danny Tang, Kazuya Nagasawa
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 159-166
Supplementary Description of Three Acartiella Species (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida) from Estuarine Waters in Thailand
Khwanruan Srinui, Susumu Ohtsuka
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 167-181
New Records of the Tetraclitid Barnacle Tesseropora alba (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Tetraclitoidea) in the Pacific Waters of Taiwan and Okinawa
Ryota Hayashi, Benny K. K. Chan
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 183-189
Pseudorhadinorhynchus samegaiensis (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchida: Illiosentidae) Uses the Amphipod Jesogammarus (Annanogammarus) fluvialis as an Intermediate Host in a Stream of the Lake Biwa Basin, Central Japan
Kazuya Nagasawa, Yasuhiro Fujioka
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 191-197
Redescription of the Sea Anemone Exocoelactis actinostoloides (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) Based on a Topotypic Specimen Collected from Tokyo Bay, Japan
Kensuke Yanagi, Takuma Fujii, Mamiko Hirose
2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Pages 199-209